Ist eine Entgiftung von Nanopartikeln möglich?
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Bottom line: there are no established routes for detoxing. Some methods may work for some things. The point here is that it’s impossible to escape what they’re putting inside us. It’s far more strategic to take on the infrastructure that interfaces with our bodies than it is to focus on our bodies.
Our bodies are constantly bombarded with a variety of engineered nanoparticles. While some materials may be possible to remove, they end up right back inside the body due to the unending onslaught of nanoparticles coming in from every direction. Some materials are impossible to remove, such as carbon nanotubes or asbestos fibers.
How does the body eliminate nanoparticles?
When fed sugar, engineered nano bacteria thrive. Conversely, when deprived of sugar or blood glucose, the nano bacteria die. Built in self monitoring systems can sometimes circumvent this issue.
Science and Society Meetings - XI, Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız, Georgia University
More on sugar:
"The use of biofuel cells to harvest energy from various materials such as blood sugar is another recent advancement in harvesters for nanonodes."
Energy Harvesting in Nanonetworks
Stealth nanoparticles
Nanoparticles can be engineered to escape detection and destruction from the immune system. These ‘stealth nanoparticles’ are internalized and circulated more because the body doesn’t recognize them as foreign objects.
EP3004183B1 Process for preparing stealth nanoparticles- Google Patents
Stealth Nanoparticles: High Density but Sheddable PEG is a Key for Tumor Targeting
Beware of people promoting supposed remedies that claim to clear nanotech from the body. Many public figures are pushing Zeolite, Borax, boron, Colloidal silver, herbal medicines, Ivermectin, Methylene blue, Nattokinase, Iodine, Metallomics, and so on. Much of this is profit driven, using fear to increase sales.
The following list contains examples of supplements and how they may enhance or add to nanotech in the body:
Activated Charcoal
Borax and boron
Claims have been made that Borax and boron get rid of nanotech in the body. However, they actually enhance the way nanotech operates. Borax is made up of a mixture of minerals that contain boron. Boron is used in the making of microprocessor and camera chips in cell phones.
One-step synthesis of boron-doped graphene quantum dots for fluorescent sensors and biosensor
Self‐healing Polyol/Borax Hydrogels: Fabrications, Properties and Applications
Electrical Stimulated Polyvinyl Alcohol-Borax-Graphene Hydrogel for Drug Releasing and Delivery
Castor oil
Colloidal silver and gold nano-materials
Recent developments in the use of gold and silver nanoparticles in biomedicine
Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Based Networks as Advanced Materials for Optoelectronic Devices
Characterization, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties of Silver Nanoparticles
Silver-Based Plasmonic Nanoparticles for and Their Use in Biosensing
Gold and Silver Nanoparticle-Based Colorimetric Sensors: New Trends and Applications
Silver nanoparticle in biosensor and bioimaging: Clinical perspectives
State of the Science Literature Review: Everything Nanosilver and More
Near-ifrared-II photodetectors based on silver selenide quantum dots on mesoporous TiO2 scaffolds
Label-Free and Bioluminescence-Based Nano-Biosensor for ATP Detection
Google Scholar search results for "colloidal silver quantum dots"
Diatomaceous Earth
Transforming diatomaceous earth into sensing devices by surface modification with gold nanoparticles
Engineering of new nanoscale materials from diatomaceous earth (DE)
Diatomaceous Lessons in Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials
Advanced Nanoscale Materials Engineered from Diatomaceous Earth
All New Faces of Diatoms: Potential Source of Nanomaterials and Beyond
EDTA binds to carbon nanotubes. The chelators in EDTA may increase bioluminescence in fluorescent protein based metal biosensors.
Reusable EDTA Modified Magnetic Graphene Oxide Nanoadsorbents
EDTA is mentioned in this patent: Chelating agent modified graphene oxides, methods of preparation and use
Glutathione-responsive and -exhausting metal nanomedicines for robust synergistic cancer therapy
Nano-Drug Design Based on the Physiological Properties of Glutathione
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
NASA/ADS: Quadratic Electro-optic Effect in a Novel Nano-optical Polymer (iodine-doped polyisoprene)
Biocompatible carbonized iodine-doped dots for contrast-enhanced CT imaging
Synthesis and Characterization of Iodine Doped Graphene by and Uncatalyzed Reaction
Halogenation of Graphene with Chlorine, Bromine, or Iodine by Exfoliation in a Halogen Atmosphere
Iodine-Doped Graphene Oxide: Fast Single-Stage Synthesis and Application as Electrocatalyst
Size-controllable synthesis of polymeric iodine-carrying nanoparticles for medical CT imaging
Engineering iodine-doped carbon dots as dual-modal probes for fluorescence and X-ray CT imaging
Biocompatible carbonized iodine-doped dots for contrast-enhanced CT imaging
Povidone–Iodine-Based Polymeric Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Applications
“Clinically Approved Antiviral Drug in an Orally Administrable Nanoparticle…”
"We adopted the ivermectin-based paralyzation protocol because it is well established for optogenetic excitation of worm muscle cells"
Toward a living soft microrobot through optogenetic locomotion control of Caenorhabditis elegans -
Nanostructured lipid carriers of ivermectin as a novel drug delivery system in hydatidosis
Metallomics insights for in vivo studies of metal based nanomaterials
Advanced Nuclear and Related Techniques for Metallomics and Nanometallomics
Methylene Blue
Methylene Blue is attracted to Hydrogels and is used with Hydrogels. Methylene Blue is a catalyst that helps enhance the photodynamic properties used in nanotechnology. Methylene Blue binds with carbon nanotubes and Graphene Oxide.
Fluorescence properties of methylene blue molecules coupled with metal oxide nanoparticles
Nanoparticles of methylene blue enhance photodynamic therapy
Methylene Blue-Based Nano and Microparticles: Fabrication and Applications in Photodynamic Therapy
Magnetic micro ferrofluids/graphene inks are added in the production of nattokinase using 3D printing.
Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Applications of Bacillus Nattokinase
Nattokinase: An updated critical review on challenges and perspectives
Metals, nonmetals and metalloids in cigarette smoke as hazardous compounds for human health
Programmable transdermal drug delivery of nicotine using carbon nanotube membranes
A novel and efficient nicotine vaccine using nano-lipoplex as a delivery vehicle
Salt, a new facilitator of graphene-based electronic devices
Edible salt crystals: a cheap, green, water soluble substrate for graphene synthesis
Scalar Wave therapy
“Scalar waves are a type of energy that possess amazing properties, such as faster-than-light movement and the ability to create over-unity states. They are particularly efficient in communicating with DNA, making them an excellent method for biological signal encoding.”
Holographic Technology -
Digital Information Transmitted by Scalar Waves Effects Biological Response in Yeast
The war inside your mind: unprotected brain battlefields and neuro-vulnerability
Frontier Assessments Unit Research Report Scalar Waves: A Globally Destabilizing Force
“In a recent conference sponsored by the IEEE these were openly discussed and a proceedings on the conference exists.”
CIA document: Request for Summary Statement on Scalar Wave
Alternate link -
Dato’ Sri Professor Ng Tat-yung First Released Scalar Wave Quantum Implant system at UN Headquarters
Scalar Waves, Scalar Energy, Positive Negative Uses and Bosnian Pyramid
ScalAR: Authoring Semantically Adaptive Augmented Reality Experiences in Virtual Reality
Nanoengineered Silica-Based Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine
Graphene and related materials for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things includes Silica
Controlling the nano–bio interface to build collagen–silica self-assembled networks
Graphene-oxide loading on natural zeolite particles for enhancement of adsorption properties
Biomedical Applications of Zeolitic Nanoparticles, with an Emphasis on Medical Interventions
Zeolite Nanotube Discovery Made by Researchers at Georgia Tech
Sankar Nair is the principal investigator at Georgia Technical Institute regarding Nano Zeolite biodigital technologies. His patents are in the bottom link.
Homeopathy as Nanomedicine, Ayurvedice Nanomedicine, Allopathic Nanomedicine, and Nanoparticle herbs found here.