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Las nanopartƭculas estƔn ahora en todo, incluidos los humanos

Air (Geoengineering)

Dust & Fog









Vitamins & Supplements





- Medical Body Area Network (MBAN)

- Equipment

- COVID-19 Injections

- Nanopharmacology / Nanomedicine

- Homeopathy, Ayurvedic, Allopathic

- Orthopedic Implants


- Dental Anaesthetics

- Dental Implants




Nanoparticles enter the body through inhalation, absorption into the skin, ingestion, and through medical or dental procedures.ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹


Credito de imagen


Las nanopartĆ­culas de diĆ³xido de titanio (NP de TiO2) son el nanomaterial mĆ”s comĆŗnmente producido e ingerido. Se utilizan en aditivos alimentarios, cosmĆ©ticos, productos de cuidado personal y muchas otras cosas a nivel comercial. Las NP de TiO2 se acumulan por vĆ­a oral o por inhalaciĆ³n. Estamos siendo saturados de partĆ­culas semiconductoras:

"El Ć³xido de titanio (TiO2) es un material con amplias aplicaciones debido a sus propiedades Ć³pticas y electrĆ³nicas. Se utiliza como ingrediente en lociones de protecciĆ³n solar y productos alimenticios, como pigmento en pinturas y como semiconductor en la degradaciĆ³n fotocatalĆ­tica de compuestos orgĆ”nicos".

Estudio de la banda prohibida de nanopartĆ­culas de diĆ³xido de titanio sintetizadas mediante el mĆ©todo Sol-Gel y un tratamiento hidrotermal


NanotecnologĆ­a en polvo

El polvo inteligente crea redes que contienen sensores, software de computadora, capacidades de comunicaciĆ³n inalĆ”mbrica y tienen su propia fuente de alimentaciĆ³n autĆ³noma.


NanotecnologĆ­a en el aire

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Muchas nanopartĆ­culas utilizadas en aerosoles y rociadas en el aire tienen un doble propĆ³sito, lo que significa que son capaces de realizar mĆ”s de una funciĆ³n y es posible que cumplan mĆ”s de un objetivo. Este documento sobre la modificaciĆ³n de la radiaciĆ³n solar en aerosol analiza las " aplicaciones potenciales en tecnologĆ­as biolĆ³gicas, electrĆ³nicas y cuĆ”nticas".

Aerogel de sĆ­lice dopado con diamante para geoingenierĆ­a solar

"OpiniĆ³n de expertos: Las tecnologĆ­as basadas en aerosoles pueden usarse para diseƱar nanopartĆ­culas con la funcionalidad deseada."

FabricaciĆ³n de nanopartĆ­culas a base de aerosoles y sus aplicaciones en campos biomĆ©dicos.


"En la atmĆ³sfera, las nanopartĆ­culas tienen una importancia fundamental para los procesos quĆ­micos y fĆ­sicos".

- Instituto de MeteorologĆ­a e InvestigaciĆ³n del Clima InvestigaciĆ³n de Aerosoles AtmosfĆ©ricos, Instituto TecnolĆ³gico de Karlsruhe

Existe una larga lista de nanomateriales utilizados en modificaciĆ³n climĆ”tica/geoingenierĆ­a. Algunos son capaces de afectar la atmĆ³sfera y al mismo tiempo construir nanorredes dentro del cuerpo humano. Sin embargo, no todos los nanomateriales se autoensamblan una vez dentro del cuerpo.

Nanomateriales llamados nanotubos de carbono estƔn apareciendo en los pulmones de los niƱos:

Nanotubos de carbono antropogƩnicos encontrados en las vƭas respiratorias de niƱos parisinos

ĀæQuĆ© son los nanotubos de carbono?


CIA Director John Brennan speaking on geoengineering and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI). Source

“Solar radiation management (SRM) is a climate engineering strategy to reduce temperature increases due to global climate change. The most well-researched SRM methodology is stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), which involves increasing the concentration of aerosol particles in the stratosphere to reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching Earth’s surface. The most considered and heavily researched aerosol for SAI is sulfate…When sulfur is injected into the stratosphere, it primarily causes changes in atmospheric concentrations of sulfate aerosols, which are formed when sulfur dioxide reacts with water vapor, effectively reflecting sunlight back into space and potentially cooling the planet; this process, known as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), can also disrupt atmospheric chemistry…”

Stratospheric aerosol injection may impact global systems and human health outcomes


“Here we describe an alternate method in which aerosol is formed rapidly in the plume following injection of H2SO4, a condensable vapor, from an aircraft. This method gives better control of particle size and can produce larger radiative forcing with lower sulfur loadings than SO2injection.”

Efficient formation of stratospheric aerosol for climate engineering by emission of condensible vapor from aircraft


“Stratospheric aerosols (SAs) are a variable component of the Earth's albedo that may be intentionally enhanced in the future to offset greenhouse gases (geoengineering). The role of tropospheric-sourced sulfur dioxide (SO2) in maintaining background SAs…”

The Role of Sulfur Dioxide in Stratospheric Aerosol Formation Evaluated Using In-Situ Measurements in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere


Covering the earth in aerosol- from particle to plume:
"Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) is currently the most feasible climate intervention strategy and is being tested at ever increasing scales. It is critical to understand the global downstream impacts of these locally created interventions. However, in the finest detail, predictions require bridging scales from individual aerosol particles to large volumes of Earth’s atmosphere. Here the application of a novel discretization paradigm, the Eulerian-Lagrangian Point-Mass-Particle (ELPMP) discretization, is investigated as a method to model seeding, transport, and evolution of aerosols from injection-scale to Earth-scale impacts."

Application of the Eulerian-Lagrangian Point-Mass-Particle (ELPMP) Discretization to Bridge Regional to Global Impacts of Aerosols


Modeling Aerosol Transport for Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering: from Particle to Plume Scale


An airborne perfluorocarbon tracer system and its first application for a Lagrangian experiment


PFC Release Unit: Schematic of gas flow (left); Aircraft release module (right).


An airborne perfluorocarbon tracer system and its first application for a Lagrangian experiment


HYSPLIT's user guide


Developing a Plumeā€inā€Grid Model for Plume Evolution in the Stratosphere


Optimizing Injection Locations Relaxes Altitudeā€Lifetime Tradeā€Off for Stratospheric Aerosol Injection


Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance Framework Related To Solar Radiation Modification


Geoengineering: Parts 1, I, and Ill- Hearing Before the Committee On Science and Technology., House of Representatives


U.S. National Science Foundation: Impacts of Geoengineering Using Stratospheric Aerosols


American Association for Aerosol Research: Synthesis of an Ultrafine Iron and Soot Aerosol for the Evaluation of Particle Toxicity


Council on Foreign Relations: The Anticipatory Governance of Solar Radiation Management


Council on Foreign Relations: Geoengineering- Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering


Council on Foreign Relations: Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering (video)


“A promising first step would be to establish a world commission on climate engineering or similar consultative body, with high-level political authorization, an appropriately broad mandate, adequate resources and wide participation.”

Starting the Dialogue on Climate Engineering Governance: A World Commission (2017)



Inhaling nanoparticles as a result of SRM using stratospheric aerosol injections is discussed in the document below:

“Using available evidence, we describe the potential direct occupational and public health impacts of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for SRM, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide aerosols. We speculate on possible health impacts of exposure to one promising SRM material, barium titanate, using knowledge of similar nanomaterials.

Human exposures to materials used for SRM could occur during the manufacture, transportation, deployment and post-deployment of these materials. In this paper, unless otherwise stated, inhalation is the primary route of exposure considered.

Population exposures:

Due to atmospheric circulation and gravitational deposition, large-scale population exposures to atmospherically-injected SRM materials will almost certainly occur after their deployment. Population exposures could also occur through ingestion of food and water contaminated with deposited particles, as well as transdermally. Unlike occupational exposures, there has been virtually no research done to estimate ground-level personal exposures to SRM materials…

In contrast to occupational exposures, population exposures to SRM materials will be continuous and prolonged over months to years, but will likely be orders of magnitude lower than those experienced occupationally. Thus the health effects will be primarily chronic in nature. The use of PPE to reduce personal exposures to deposited SRM materials is not feasible on a population scale."

Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols


Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance Framework Related To Solar Radiation Modification


United Nations (UNESCO): Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative


“The Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative is an international, NGO-driven project that seeks to expand the global conversation around the governance of SRM geoengineering research."

Putting developing countries at the centre of the SRM conversation


Nanoparticles Sulfur dioxide (SiO2) and Silicon dioxide (SiO2) as precursors in aircraft aerosol use in Solar Radiation Management (SRM):

Multicomponent new particle formation from sulfuric acid, ammonia, and biogenic vapors


New Particle Formation and Growth in the Troposphere


Process-induced particle formation in the sputtering and reactive ion etching of silicon and silicon dioxide


Understanding the Formation Mechanisms of Silicon Particles from the Thermal Disproportionation of Hydrogen Silsesquioxane


Unraveling the role of silicon in atmospheric aerosol secondary formation: a new conservative tracer for aerosol chemistryā€‹


The article below connects Solar Radiation Management and Geoengineering to Blockchain. (Click here for more on Blockchain and how it connects with other aspects of the Biodigital Convergence.)
Geoengineering and the blockchain: Coordinating Carbon Dioxide Removal and Solar Radiation Management to tackle future emissions


Nanoparticles in cloud brightening:

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ā€‹This Scientific American article linked below about the same project reads, “The experiment is spraying microscopic salt particles into the air…” Note their misleading use of the word ‘microscopic’. 

Researcher Pete Ramón points out:

“Microscale can never be nanoscale in terms of measurement. When non-scientific authors use micro- to describe nano- they're wrong, but when scientists in the field use micro- to describe nano-, it's intentionally misleading/confusing the reader. That said, nanomaterials can be coagulated/agglomerated/grown to create micro-sized materials. Also, creating nanomaterials from micro can also be done via techniques such as ablation and sonication.”

Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere (2024)


This article linked below reads, “Developing a new cloud-aerosol research instrument for use in small-scale field studies. This new research instrument generates controlled volumes and sizes of tiny, sub-micrometer seawater particles in sufficient numbers to increase the local brightness of low clouds in a marine environment"

Researcher Pete Ramón points out their use of the word “sub-micrometer” means by definition that it is nanoscale. If it’s in the nanoscale, we are talking about nanoparticles. Specifically, nanoparticles being released into the sky.

Marine Cloud Brightening Program


Salt particles ranging in size from 30-100 nanometers are the most effective for spraying. 

“Factors determining the most efficient spray distribution for marine cloud brightening”


Nanoparticles in cloud seeding:


Water molecules in the atmosphere are too small to combine on their own to form cloud droplets. To form condensation, they need something larger to condense on (preferably flatter surface and at least one micrometer in size). That’s where cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) come in, otherwise known as cloud seeds.


Cloud seeds, or cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), are created by new particle formation (NPF), which are created by even smaller particles forming together.


“Nucleation” sums up this process, where extremely small aerosol particles form larger particles in the sky. 


The scale of nucleation in the atmosphere ranges in the pico-/nano- scale of measurement. NPF may sometimes begin as tiny as picoparticles, build into nanoparticles, then cluster into bigger microparticles.


Atmospheric nanoparticles are referred to as Aitken nuclei by The American Meteorological Society (named after John Aitken).



ā€‹"Releasing charge into natural droplet systems such as fog and clouds offers a route to influence their properties. To facilitate charge release across a wide range of altitudes and meteorological circumstances—such as developing clouds—a charge emitter has been developed for integration with the conventional cloud-seeding flares carried by crewed cloud-seeding aircraft. This allows charge emitters to be used alongside, or instead of, conventional particle releasing flares.”

Aerosol for geo
nano in everything releasing charge.jpeg

"(a) Beechcraft King Air C90 aircraft modified for cloud seeding missions, showing a flare rack under the wing that carries up to 24 conventional seeding flares. (b) Installation of a flare emitter in the lowered flare rack."

Providing charge emission for cloud seeding aircraft (2024)

Weather Modification Incorporated:

PlasmĆ³nica en aerosoles:

ĀæQuĆ© es la plasmĆ³nica ?


Pistas de barcos:

Las nanopartĆ­culas de los buques marĆ­timos se liberan al aire en forma de ā€œhuellas de barcosā€, rayas de nubes producto de las emisiones de los barcos que pueden alcanzar varios kilĆ³metros de ancho y varios cientos de kilĆ³metros de largo.

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ā€œ'Huellas de barcos' sobre el norte del OcĆ©ano PacĆ­fico. Estos patrones se producen cuando las partĆ­culas finas de los gases de escape de los barcos flotan en una capa hĆŗmeda de la atmĆ³sfera. Las partĆ­culas siembran nuevas nubes o atraen agua de las partĆ­culas de nubes existentes. Imagen tomada por el espectrorradiĆ³metro de imĆ”genes de resoluciĆ³n moderada (MODIS) a bordo del satĆ©lite Aqua de la NASA el 3 de julio de 2010. Cita y crĆ©dito de imagen.


Fuel additives:

Nanoparticles in the form of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), graphene nanoplatelets (GNP), and metal oxides such as cerium oxide (CeO2) are used in fuel additives for internal combustion engines in planes, buses and ships. This is another example of dual purpose technology. The nanoparticles in fuel combustion release nanoparticles in the exhaust.



Sulfur as a fuel additive to create aerosol in planes is discussed here. "Options for dispersing gases from planes include the addition of sulfur to the fuel, which would release the aerosol through the exhaust system of the plane, or the attachment of a nozzle to release the sulfur from its own tank within the plane, which would be the better option.”

Benefits, risks, and costs of stratospheric geoengineeringā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹


“Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), formed in commercial aircraft operations via fuel-S (goes to) SO2 (goes to) SO3 (goes to) H2SO4 plays an important role in the formation of contrails.”

NASA: Sulfur Oxidation and Contrail Precursor Chemistry


“Our simulations show that sulfur dioxide is converted into sulfur trioxide and sulfuric acid…allowing a visible contrail to appear earlier.”

CFD simulation of contrail formation in the near field of a commercial aircraft: Effect of fuel sulfur content


Who’s behind geoengineering?

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Economic interests and ideologies behind solar geoengineering research in the United States


David Keith, Ken Caldeira, Ben Kravitz, Alan Robock are five of the biggest names behind geoengineering. See how they fit into things on the map below:

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ā€‹ā€‹“This is a really important moral point. So if I made a decision, or if there was a collective decision to do a geoengineering program, and you put say, the kind of program I think makes more sense, you put about a million tons of sulfur per year (in the stratosphere), you might end up killing many tens of thousands of people a year as a direct result of that decision. Now it’s true, as part of doing that, you would hope that overall benefits of human mortality would be so that you would save many more people than that. But, the fact that you would save more people than you kill doesn’t mean there’s no moral impact of making a decision that directly kills people and I think that we who talk about this have a duty to be clear eyed about the direct risks involved in doing it.”

-David Keith 



Geoengineering is being pushed under the false pretense of climate change. 


“…the benefit would be reduced climate change, so cooler temperatures, less extreme storms, less sea level rise, et cetera.”

-David Keith

A radical solution to address climate change, with David Keith 


Whose climate intervention? Solar geoengineering, fractions of capital, and hegemonic strategy


Funding For Solar Geoengineering From 2008-2018


The money spent on geoengineering is undoubtedly higher by an exponential order of magnitude and the reasons behind it still shrouded behind the veil of the Biodigital Convergence.ā€‹


ā€‹ā€‹Resources devoted to the exposing of geoengineering:

“This interactive world map on geoengineering, prepared by ETC Group and the Heinrich Boell Foundation, sheds light on the alarming expansion of geoengineering research and experimentation. It builds on an earlier map of Earth Systems Experimentation published in 2012. That original map documented around 300 projects and experiments related to the field of geoengineering. Almost a decade later, more than 1,700 such projects have been identified- including past, ongoing and planned ones. When opening the map, only ongoing and planned projects are displayed, as well as those that have been completed or cancelled in the last five years. These include Carbon Removal and Solar Radiation Management as well as other geoengineering approaches. The map also contains Carbon Capture and Weather Modification projects. There is no complete record of weather and climate control projects so this map is necessarily partial.”

Interactive map of current geoengineering projects around the world 



Nanotechnology in dust & fog

Smart dust create networks that contain sensors, computer software, wireless communication capabilities and have their own autonomous power supply.

“Smart materials based on nanotechnology are currently being developed with gigaops computer capability at their core. They could adjust their size to optimal dimensions for a given fog seeding situation and even make adjustments throughout the process. They might also enhance their dispersal qualities by adjusting their buoyancy, by communicating with each other, and by steering themselves within the fog. They will be able to provide immediate and continuous effectiveness feedback by integrating with a larger sensor network and can also change their temperature and polarity to improve their seeding effects. As mentioned above, UAVs could be used to deliver and distribute these smart materials. Recent army research lab experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of generating fog.

“…the weather-modification applications proposed in this report range from technically

proven to potentially feasible. They are similar, however, in that none are currently employed or envisioned for employment by our operational forces.” 

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 (released in 1997)alternate linkā€‹



Nanotechnology in rainwater


Nanotechnology in soil as a result of forest fires

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals call for nano-biochar, formed from the burning of forest fires. The fires are involved in producing electrochemical sensors, biosensors, carbon nanotubes, graphene quantum dots, carbon quantum dots, etc. This relates to  plant nanobionics, found in the next section.


Nanotechnology in trees


Nanotechnology in wildlife


Nanotechnology in plants


Nanotechnology in farming (including organic farming)

Nanofarming, precision farming, smart farming, plant nanobionics, and other such trends all incorporate the use of nanotechnology, including “organic” farming:


Tower gardens:


Nanotechnology in food

This is one way it enters your body. Nanoparticles can breach the blood-brain barrier.


Nanotechnology in food packaging:


“This study shows that a fraction of pharmaceutical/food grade titanium dioxide is absorbed systemically by humans following ingestion…In summary, we show here that a portion of ingested pharmaceutical and food grade TiO2, to which humans are very frequently orally exposed, is directly absorbed, as particles, into the blood stream of healthy volunteers.”
Pharmaceutical/food grade titanium dioxide particles are absorbed into the bloodstream of human volunteers


Nanotechnology in beverages

“The biodistribution study in major organs indicated that the NPs [nanoparticles] were easily accumulated in the digestive tract, and they were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and dispersed in the brain.”


Nanotechnology in vitamins and supplements


Nanotechnology in Nutraceuticals


Nanotechnology in Nootropicsā€‹


Nanotechnology in tobacco


Nanotechnology in healthcare

Biomedical and healthcare applications relating to the Internet of Bio-Nano-Things (IoBNT) are discussed in the video below, such as floating nanosensors in the bloodstream that eavesdrop on molecular communication and report to devices outside of the body. The connecting of electronic and implantable devices such as brain implants, smart glasses, cardiac pacemakers, gastric stimulators, smart watches, insulin pumps, foot drop implants, and smart shoes with biological devices including artificial organs, engineered immune system cells, engineered gut microbes, and engineered tissue for regenerative medicine are also talked about.
The video also discusses how remotely controllable nanobots operate in the body, using nanotechnology and MEMS to engineer cells into biosensors, communication using Molecular Communication (MC), the making of “biological computers”, engineering the DNA of bacteria to create processors, and injecting memories into living cells by encoding the DNA of bacteria.

Dr. Bige Deniz Unluturk- Molecular Communication Platforms at Multiple Scales (video)


Biomedical Applications of Quantum Dots: Overview, Challenges, and Clinical Potential


Affinity biosensors developed with quantum dots in microfluidic system


Leveraging Consumer Technology for Healthcare Systems Using Blockchain Based Bio-Sensor Devices


Review—Quantum Biosensors: Principles and Applications in Medical Diagnostics


Quantum biosensor sees crucial light from the brain


Medical Body Area Network (MBAN):

“In 2014, the FCC finalized the rules for MBANs — a network of sensors/actuators worn on the human body that communicate with a controlling device via a wireless link…The MBAN is a subset of the more general trend of wireless body area networks (WBAN) or body sensor networks (BSN) that includes nonmedical applications such as human-computer interfaces (e.g., neural interface, virtual reality), location tracking, and personal fitness tracking).”

Passive Hardware Considerations for Medical Body Area Network Transceivers


Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Medical Body Area Networks First Report and Order (2012)ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

Nano in Food

FCC: Genachowski Remarks On Unleashing Spectrum for Medical Body Area Networks (2012)


IEEE: FCC Gives Medical Body Area Networks Clean Bill of Health (2012)


A Comprehensive Survey of Digital Twins in Healthcare in the Era of Metaverse


Building digital twins of the human immune system: toward a roadmap


European Virtual Human Twins Initiative



3D bioprinting is used in the making of healthcare equipment (face masks, face shields, rapid detection kits, testing swabs, biosensors, and various ventilator components):


COVID-19 Injections:

“The biodigital convergence describes the intersection, and in some cases merging, of biological and digital technologies. Biodigital technologies include mRNA vaccines used to treat COVID-19, digitally controlled surveillance insects, microorganisms genetically engineered to produce medicinal compounds, and more.”

Indigenous perspectives on the biodigital convergence


"The evidence suggests that Trojan horse coronavirus vaccines may challenge bodily integrity and informed consent in entirely new ways, transporting invasive technologies into people’s brains and bodies. Technologies such as brain-machine interfaces, digital identity tracking devices, and cryptocurrency-compatible chips would contribute to the central banking goal of replacing currencies with digital transaction and identification systems and creating a global control grid that connects the world population to the military-pharma-intelligence cloud of the global technocrats. Moreover, using vaccines as a delivery vehicle for surveillance technologies cancels any legal liability." 


Planned Surveillance and Control by Global Technocrats: A Big-Picture Look at the Current Pandemic Beneficiariesā€‹

alternate linkā€‹

alternate link


“P3 focuses on rapid discovery, characterization, production, testing, and delivery of efficacious DNA- and RNA-encoded medical countermeasures, a foundational technology pioneered by DARPA…”

(DARPA) P3: Pandemic Prevention Platform

“…in terms of bio-nano-things these are for the health applications. I did also a lot of research on that in the last 15 years- bio-nanoscale machines- but, these are for injecting into the body and always monitoring the health problems and that is also really going really well like with these Covid vaccines its going that direction. These MRNA's are nothing [more] than small scale nanoscale machines. They are programmed and then they are injected. And the internet of nano-scale-things. So, those will be part of 7G and beyond" 

ARRC Seminar Series: Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz on TeraHertz Band Communication


COVID-19 injections based on graphene, nanonetwork and Internet of Nanothings (IoNT)


Potential of graphene-based materials to combat COVID-19: properties, perspectives, and prospects


The Perspective on Bio-Nano Interface Technology for COVID-19


The COVID shots were created utilizing 3D bioprinting with programmable shape-shifting nanotechnology enabled smart materials. See more here.

Covid-19 testing:


“Microneedle devices for transport of molecules, including drugs and biological molecules, across tissue, are provided. The microneedle devices permit drug delivery or removal of body fluids at clinically relevant rates across skin or other tissue barriers, with minimal or no damage, pain, or irritation to the tissue…

The systems and methods described herein are, in one aspect, directed to transdermal devices, including an intraepidermal delivery devices for administering a substance to a patient. More particularly, the invention is directed to devices and to methods for establishing fluid communication for administering agents and monitoring a patent's condition. In one exemplary embodiment the systems and methods provide delivery devices for administering a substance into or below the stratum corneum of the skin of a patient. As used herein, the term penetrate refers to entering a layer of the skin without necessarily passing completely through. Piercing refers to passing completely through a layer of the skin. As used herein, transdermal refers to the exchange of a substance, such as blood, a pharmaceutical, a biological agent or a vaccine, through one or more layers of skin…

The devices and methods are particularly suitable for use in administering various substances, including pharmaceutical agents, to a patient, and notably to a human patient…

In some embodiments, a vaccine is administered using the device and method…

The microneedle device is valuable in promoting significant immune response to a vaccine by delivering a vaccine below the stratum corneum and into the cells of the tissue.”

Microneedle array patch patent


Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals


Other routes of injecting nanotech are talked about by Professor Ian Akyıldız. He discusses injecting remotely programable nano machines to help fight disease, complete with gateways and bio cyber interfaces with two way communication.

Science and Society Meetings - XI, Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız, Georgia University


Nanobots that self replicate are used in chemotherapy, “vaccines”, gene therapy, and more:



The following two lectures describe ways in which nanoparticles enter human cells in relation to pharmacology:


“Currently more than 50 nanomedicine formulations have been approved for clinical use, as recently reviewed by multiple authors: These marketed nanomedicine formulations are approved for cancer treatment, iron-replacement therapies, anesthetics, fungal treatments, macular degeneration, and for the treatment of genetic rare diseases. Nano/microparticle imaging agents have also been included in the statistics. The majority of approved NP classes are represented by liposomes, iron colloids, protein-based NP, nano-emulsions, nanocrystals and metal oxide nanoparticles. The three new formulations mentioned in the previous section, not only show that the number of formulations approved are steadily increasing, but that new generations of nanomedicine are now reaching the market.”

Delivering the power of nanomedicine to patients today (2020)


Iron oxide nanoparticles can be introduced into the body through medicine. The following discuss medical applications of iron oxide in relation to pharmacology:


Iron Oxide and Gold Based Magneto-Plasmonic Nanostructures for Medical Applications: A Review


"Plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) are one of the most promising and studied inorganic nanomaterials for different biomedical applications… Herein, we review recently reported bioconjugated plasmonic NPs using different chemical approaches and loading cargoes (such as drugs, genes, and proteins) for enhancement of transdermal delivery across biological tissues.”

Bioconjugated Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Enhanced Skin Penetration


The use of gold nanoparticles in therapy for cancer treatment is discussed in this document.

“Targeted hyperthermia with plasmonic nanoparticles”


Smart pill from MIT monitors and medicates via Bluetooth

3D Printing of a Multi-Layered Polypill Containing Six Drugs Using a Novel Stereolithographic Method


CDRH Review of Medical Devices Containing Nanoscale Materials


Towards hospital-on-chip supported by 2D MXenes-based 5th generation intelligent biosensors


Homeopathy as Nanomedicine, Ayurvedic Nanomedicine, and Allopathic Nanomedicine, Nanoparticle herbs:

Traditional and alternative medicines are now being used in nanoparticle form, and may be included under the category of nano pharmacology. 


Orthopedic implants:

Traditional orthopedic implants now include nanotechnology. Specifically, implantable sensors- a variation of Internet or Bio-Nano-Things (IoBNT). 4D bioprinting is utilized. 


The Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC), which is part of the U.S. Department of Defense’s Information Analysis Center (IAC), talks about implantable nano sensors in the following webinar:

HDIAC Webinar - Bringing the Hospital to the Patient: Advances in Implantable Nano Sensors


Dr. Tom Webster, professor of chemical engineering at Northeastern University, talks more about implantable nano sensors in this brief video: 

HDIAC podcast- Nano Sensors


Nanotechnology in dentistry 


Dental Anaesthetics:


Dental implants:


Nanotechnology in cosmetics

Many types of nanomaterials are found in cosmetics in increasing levels. They can absorb into the body from the skin.ā€‹ā€‹

nano in clothing.gif


Nanotechnology in Tattoos


Nanotechnology in Wastewater


Again, we see IEC is behind this. Click here and here to see IEC’s framework for these systems. 


Nanotechnology in everything

Nonetechnology exists now in nearly everything now - that’s their goal - to connect EVERYTHING. 

Internet of Everything (IoE) - From Molecules to the Universe by Murat Kuscu

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