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ĀæQuĆ© es la Convergencia Biodigital?


La "Convergencia Biodigital" es la fusiĆ³n de la tecnologĆ­a digital con el cuerpo humano y con todos los seres vivos de la Tierra, como Ć”rboles, plantas y animales. TambiĆ©n incluye la incorporaciĆ³n de tecnologĆ­a digital en ecosistemas completos. El objetivo es conectar todo y a todos a una red inalĆ”mbrica que abarque todo el mundo. Esta red se puede monitorear, controlar, acceder y manipular de forma remota.

Documents from  governments and international organizations explaining the Biodigital Convergence:







“The imperative to use human augmentation may ultimately not be dictated by any explicit ethical argument, but by national interest.”


“The future of human augmentation should not, however, be decided by ethicists or public opinion, although both will be important voices; rather, governments will need to develop a clear policy position that maximises the use of human augmentation in support of prosperity, safety and security, without undermining our values.”


“Ethics will be a critical aspect when considering whether to adopt human augmentation, but national interest will also inform, and may even fundamentally reshape, the moral calculation.”


“There may be a moral obligation to augment people, particularly in cases where it promotes well-being or protects us from novel threats. It could be argued that treatments involving novel vaccination processes and gene and cell therapies are examples of human augmentation already in the pipeline.”


“The ethical and moral implications of human augmentation are profound…Does human augmentation go against nature and undermine people's dignity by robbing them of the ability to live a 'natural', 'authentic' life?”

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Documentos de gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales que explican la Convergencia Biodigital:










Un concepto asociado a la Convergencia Biodigital es Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC), que abarca la convergencia de nanotecnologĆ­as, biotecnologĆ­as, tecnologĆ­as de la informaciĆ³n y tecnologĆ­as de ciencias cognitivas. Estas son las cuatro categorĆ­as amplias, a veces superpuestas, que componen NBIC. De estas cuatro, las nanotecnologĆ­as son las mĆ”s destacadas. La nanotecnologĆ­a, junto con otras tecnologĆ­as, se analizan con mĆ”s profundidad en las pĆ”ginas siguientes.



A concept associated with the Biodigital Convergence is Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC), which encompasses the converging of nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information technologies, and cognitive science technologies. These are the four, sometimes overlapping, broad categories that make up NBIC. Of these four, nanotechnologies are the most prominent. Nanotechnology, along with the other technologies, are discussed more in depth on the following pages.

From Bio to NBIC convergence - From Medical Practice to Daily Life (Report written for the Council of Europe, Committee on Bioethics)

Ā©2024 por Amor Billy

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