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The following list of standards organizations are interconnected and work cooperatively towards shared goals. They set forth standards for both Smart City infrastructure and standards for nanotechnology involved in the Biodigital Convergence.




ISO (International Organization for  Standardization)


“The World Economic Forum (WEF) has published a toolkit for regulators containing methods and techniques to respond to disruptive events and rapidly evolving technologies in what is currently known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Standards are one of the key tools recommended in the report to help governments wade their way through…The use of standards, cites the guide, is one way of doing this and ‘can help in building trust or credibility of industry-led governance.’ 

Standards may be particularly relevant for governments seeking to co-regulate, where assurance is needed about the process by which governance will be designed, implemented and reviewed. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) have produced guidance on using standards to support co-regulation.”

“We are very pleased to have contributed to the WEF toolkit, and to demonstrate the role that standards play in enabling agile regulation. ISO, through its members, works closely with regulators to ensure International Standards are appropriate and effective tools to address public policy issues.”

-ISO Head of Research and Innovation, Belinda Cleeland

ISO: World Economic Forum highlights benefits of ISO and IEC standards in new regulators’ toolbox

World Economic Forum (WEF): Agile Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Toolkit for Regulators

WEF: Our Alliance is creating smart city governance




“ATIS is a leading U.S.-based organization developing standards and other technical deliverables for the ICT sector…Current ATIS projects, for example, include cellular technologies (5G, 6G, and beyond), quantum, cybersecurity, smart cities, uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), artificial intelligence-enabled

networks, distributed-ledger (or blockchain) technologies, user-controlled privacy using self-

sovereign identity, and artificial intelligence network applications.”

Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS)

The Whitehouse

Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance

Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy

All political parties since Clinton in 2000 have been funding the Biodigital Convergence. This progress report was written in 2017 goes into it.

Progress in Convergence: Basic Concepts and Applications


National Nanotechnology Initiative

“The NNI is coordinated under the auspices of the White House National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).”
NNI: Organization and Leadership

“The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a Presidential research and development (R&D) initiative, originally proposed by President Clinton in 2000. The NNI was officially created in 2003 when Congress passed, and President George W. Bush signed into law, the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act. Federal nanotechnology R&D funding has grown from $464 million per year to $1.2 billion requested in FY 2018.”

Federal Legislation & Congressional Info

"The President’s 2023 Budget requests nearly $2 billion for the NNI, the largest ever request since its inception. This reflects the widespread recognition of the potential for nanotechnology to contribute to agency missions and national priorities.”

The National Nanotechnology Initiative Supplement to the President’s 2023 Budget

Trump funded the NNI all four years as president during his first term. 

Office of Science and Technology Policy Documents and Reports

Trump will continue funding the NNI during his second term. 

NNI Supplement to the President's 2025 Budget

Trump, or any other president for that matter, is obligated by law:

“Public Law No: 108-153 (12/03/2003)

21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act - (Sec. 2) Requires the President to implement a National Nanotechnology Program to: (1) establish the goals, priorities, and metrics for evaluation for Federal nanotechnology research, development, and other activities; (2) invest in Federal research and development programs in nanotechnology and related sciences to achieve those goals; and (3) provide for interagency coordination of Federal nanotechnology activities undertaken pursuant to the Program. 

Requires the Program's activities to include: (1) developing a fundamental understanding of matter that enables control and manipulation at the nanoscale; (2) providing grants to investigators; (3) establishing a network of advanced technology user facilities and centers…”

S.189 - 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act

NNI (National Nanotechnology Initiative)

"The NNI expedites the discovery, development, and deployment of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology to serve the public good through a program of coordinated research and development aligned with the missions of the participating agencies." Those participating agencies include the EPA, FDA and USDA. 

NNI Vision and Goals​

Federal Departments and Agencies Participating in the NNI

NNI R&D Centers & Networks

In this video, the Deputy Director of the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) and former Associate Director of Education for the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) defines the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) which includes the NNCI. She also outlines the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO).

The NNCO: Supporting the NNI

National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO)

News from the NNI Community - Research Advances Funded by Agencies Participating in the NNI


National Nanotechnology Initiative at 20 years: enabling new horizons

"This is the YouTube channel for the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), a U.S. Government research and development initiative that coordinates funding for nanotechnology among the participating Federal departments and agencies."

NNI NanoTube

“EPA, along with over 30 other federal agencies, independent agencies, and commissions are working together toward a shared vision of the future of nanotechnology. The NNI enhances interagency coordination of nanotechnology research and supports a shared infrastructure.”

Advancing Environmental Safety: Celebrating 20 years of Nanotechnology Research at EPA

Trump’s involvement:

Trump funded the NNI all four years as president.

Office of Science and Technology Policy Documents and Reports

Mihail C. Roco, a key player, is at the head of NNI, the founding chair of the US National Science and Technology Council subcommittee on Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology (NSET), and is Senior Advisor for Science and Engineering, including Nanotechnology, at the National Science Foundation. He is also the editor in chief of the Journal of Nanoparticle Research. He has been writing government reports on the science with full funding since the Clinton administration.

A recent document he wrote on what's happening at NNI:

National Nanotechnology Initiative at 20 years: enabling new horizons

The FDA is a member agency of the aforementioned National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). The FDA allows engineered nanomaterials in our foods, but has no legal definition for nanotechnology! The FDA has a budget dedicated to nanotechnology and supports the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) while collaborating with other agencies.

An Overview of the Applications of Nanomaterials and Nanodevices in the Food Industry

FDA Nanotechnology Task Force

Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz, member IEEE and ITU

Click here for more information on Akyildiz's activities and who is funding him.

Prof. Josep Jornet is the star pupil of Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz and designed the "Plasmonic Antennas" technology for the bloodstream.

Webinar - Dr. Josep Jornet


U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) are working with Ian Fuat Akyildiz on Graphene nanotech. Ian Akyildiz and Josep Jornet attended the roundtable consisting of “computer scientists and wireless communications experts from industry, academia, and government”. 

Kristel Van Der Elst from Policy Horizons is a key player in the Biodigital Convergence. She is the Director General of Policy Horizons, a member of the lEC Market Strategy Board (the IEC Standardization Evaluation Group 12 on Biodigital Convergence is based on her work), and former Head of Strategic Foresight in the World Economic Forum (WEF). She is also CEO of the Global Foresight Group in Geneva. GFG works on "Preparing legal and institutional arrangements for preventing or containing future pandemics through anticipation, assessment and the design of negotiating processes to achieve preferred outcomes".

Articles she’s written:

Dr. Francois Coallier, a key player in the Biodigital Convergence, is an SCC Governing Council Member and the international Chair of ISO/IEC, the subcommittee responsible for the standards for Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Twins. According to the SCC, the IEC appointed Dr. Francois Coallier as Covener of Biodigital Convergence. The international standards from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) based in Geneva, Switzerland, is responsible for the worldwide standardization of the Biodigital Convergence in over 170 countries.

IEC-Internet of Things and Digital Twin applications in the health sector

and another link here:

IEC SEG 12 Webinar Bio-Digital Convergence Standardization


Biobanking: A Cornerstone of Biodigital Convergenc, by Francis Collier

Standards Council of Canada: Canada at the forefront of exploring biodigital convergence



Source: Dustin Sanchez, the Office Director of Biological Tecnhologies Office of DARPA (Pentagon branch). He also works with Battelle.

Battelle is one of the core organizations working with the military industrial complex integrating biotech and neurotechnology (bioelectronics).

The Institute for Nanoscience is the laboratory that serves as the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s “nucleus of collaborative activity.”

Institute for Nanoscience


U.S. Office of Naval Research, Nano-Engineered Materials

Researchers from the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, known as DEVCOM, Army Research Laboratory, and the Center for Nanoscale Materials at the Argonne National Laboratory Study on Nanoparticles


Nokia is a major patent holder and shareholder involved in Smart City infrastructure, Digital Twin technology, and Digital Immune System technology. 


“I was talking about 6G earlier, which is around 2030. I would say that by then definitely the smart phone as we know it today will not anymore be the usual [or] the most common interface. Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.”

-Pekka Lundmark, CEO Nokia

ExQor Technologies, Inc. (Franco Vitaliano, president)

“ExQor is the only company that has fully embraced the National Science Foundation’s NBIC principles of “Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance”.

NBIC is integrative product approach that unifies Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, IT, and Cognitive science.” More on NBIC here.

ExQori: The Cognitive Cloud (ExQor Technologies, Inc.)

“ExQor's patented bio-nanotransport platform enables delivery of many different types of drugs throughout the body, including the brain.”

Franco Vitaliano’s patents:

Governments and organizations pushing quantum technology:


US Government:



United Nations:




World Economic Forum (WEF):


The number of shareholders, stakeholders and public-private partnerships not listed here but still involved in financing and supporting the Biodigital Convergence is quite extensive.

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